
Meet Honey Mati, lady earning alot from outdoor bathing [VIDEOS]

Watch Honey Mati, a girl who bathes in rivers, lakes, and ponds, as she creates content that generates significant income from her rural Kilifi home. Watch Honey Mati videos below.

honey mati
honey mati

Meet Honey Mati, a Kenyan woman who earns hundreds of thousands of dollars each month by creating content through outdoor bathing.

She uploads her videos to YouTube, where they have garnered millions of views for her channel.

Honey Mati, born and raised in Kilifi County, became a vlogger after searching for a job after college without success. Vlogging has been her primary source of income, surpassing that of a few employed men.

Honey Mati videos involve going to lakes, ponds, and the ocean to just bathe. She indulges in outdoor bathing as a hobby. She explains that she takes baths like twenty times a day. 

Her cameraman could take more than 10 shots to get a clean and clear view that will attract people online. This implies that she will need to bathe five to ten times for a single YouTube video.

The young Kenyan woman, based in Mombasa, is more passionate about travelling and bathing. On her channel, she is showing you the beauty of the country and the world at large.

Her channel has had over 50 million views since she started it, with over 40,000 subscribers. 

Watch her videos below:

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Written by Jared Karanja

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